Buck Creacy

Episode 37

As a suburban dweller with little experience in the wilderness, I’m fascinated by the story Buck Creacy tells in his new novel, AUI, an abbreviation for Almost Useless Information. It was a privilege to get an advanced copy.

Buck woke up one morning last December inspired to create this story that is set in the Smokey Mountains.

We taped this conversation on his deck at his farm in Stamping Ground Kentucky. Join us and the vocal birds after I’ve asked Buck to tell us where he was born and raised and what his first memory is.

I’ve enjoyed Buck’s storytelling and conversations with him for over a decade.  It’s rewarding to follow his journey from concept to first novel. Look for AUI or Almost Useless Information to become available this Fall at Joseph Beth, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Here’s a quick advertisement. For me.

Beside doing these podcasts, I’m now offering a service to help people record their personal stories to share with their family, friends, and descendants.

For more information about that see my webpage titled Your Story in Your Voice.

at www.YourStoryinYourVoice.com

Contact Buck at : doncreacy@gmail.com


Eric Metaxas

Mark Batterson

Allen W. Eckert

Asphalt Gods

Bluegrass Region Highlights

The Barn Door Grill at the Bluegrass Stockyards

Fava’s of Georgetown

Three Penny Mamma and Buck’s Sister